
Runtime: About 35 minutes

Suggested age of cast: youth to adult. 23 female roles (Roles can be doubled with 2 or 3 parts combined for each girl. This also applies to the male roles.) and 13 male roles.

Age of Intended Audience: All ages


First page of  'Legacy of Light':

Scene 1: Romans and Radicals

(The stage is dark, as slowly people begin to emerge from the back of the room. Walking up the aisles, they carry LED candles. Dressed in dark colors, they begin to assemble in a semi circle. They turn away from the audience, still in their semi circle. A boy and a girl dressed in white walk on stage.)

Aurelius: The stars are beautiful tonight aren’t they, Ulyssa?

Ulyssa: (Scornfully tossing head) How can you tell? Surrounded by the filth and muck that is Rome.

Aurelius: What? You don’t subscribe to the view that Rome is the Eternal City?

Ulyssa: If it’s so eternal, why does it need endless battles to keep it in Roman hands?

Aurelius: Technically... if it was eternal then the city itself should always have existed whereas Rome has only been around.....

Ulyssa: (Holding up hand) Save your breath.

Aurelius: (Annoyed) Well, aren’t we in a fine mood this evening!

Ulyssa: (Sighing) I didn’t ask you to come here for a lecture on the history of Rome....

Aurelius: (Muttering under his breath) No one ever does....

Ulyssa: (Seriously) I’ve been talking to Claritia.

Aurelius: (In disbelief) Again? Why do you insist on listening so closely to that old slave woman? For all the airs you put on about class and sophistication....

Ulyssa: (Interrupting) She raised me, Aurelius. She has been both mother and father to me, seeing as my parents would rather being enjoying ‘high society’ than the companionship of their own child. I love her more than any other in this world.

Aurelius: What has Claritia been filling your head with now?

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